Lexi is 3+ months old. Mom walks into the family room to find Lexi standing in front of the fireplace glass window staring at his reflection. Lexi is fixated on what he sees.Several minutes pass and Lexi turns and exits the door to the back yard. Mom says to me, “Lexi knows he’s a deer, something just changed in him.She couldn’t have been more accurate
At four months Lexi waits patiently for the other Deer to pass through.
It’s always the same group. Two does and three other fawns. Lexi is very friendly with the other fawns. They play together and graze together.
The one large Doe remains kind to him, allowing him to approach her and even have a little jousting match with her. For the next three weeks as the other Deer leave, Lexi stays put and eventually returns home for his bottle and bed. He has distanced himself now from the dogs and most humans who are increasingly not allowed to pet him. He remains devoted to My wife and always affectionate with her.
Now the gate remains open 24/7 as Lexi is almost five months old and possibly 120 lbs. He walks through the gate after breakfast and is no where to be found for up to 10 hours. This continues for another two weeks until his away time gradually increases to 16-20 hours. He’s spending many nights now in the woods.
Our neighbor call us one day to report that Lexi (now wearing a safety break-away collar) is in her field with five other deer. He’s done it, Lexi is an accepted member of this small exclusive herd.
Within one week Lexi is now a full time Deer, traveling with, bedding down, and feeding with the herd. We have witnessed a special bond between Lexi and the Dominant Doe I spoke of earlier. Lexi is now hers and she will insure his well being and survival.
We can’t help but think that Lexi’s scent never left the area and that that Doe, his Deer Mom, always knew he was alive and well. That being said Lexi now has both a Deer Mom and a little brother / sister at last..
Today is 1/8/17 and Lexi and the herd occasionally return to our field with Lexi
standing in the back of the field with eyes fixed toward the house.
We no longer call his name, nor leave the flood lights on for him.
Lexi is a Deer now and we can only hope he remains close by and continues to Linger in the field that was once his home.
Congratulations to my wonderful wife who Loved and Cared for Lexi as well as any Deer Mom could have done.
He’ll never forget her and will Love her for his entire life.
We miss you Lexi