It's been almost 5 months since physical contact with Mommy.
Now early June the marority of adult Does have dispersed their winter herds of yearling Bucks. Lexi , now alone, has returned closer to his birthplace as most outcast bucks do. Over the next month or two these yearling bucks will form small buck herds and generally remain togethe
It's been almost 5 months since physical contact with Mommy.
Now early June the marority of adult Does have dispersed their winter herds of yearling Bucks. Lexi , now alone, has returned closer to his birthplace as most outcast bucks do. Over the next month or two these yearling bucks will form small buck herds and generally remain together until their first Rut in the late fall.
Returning from Dinner June 5, we pulled into the driveway at dusk and parked with the headlights shining into the rain soaked back field. There he was, drenched to the bone and standing some 300 feet from the driveway.
In the middle of a miserable, cold rainstorm Gayle ran into the house, grabbed a bag full of treats, and slowly walked to the edge of the field.
"Lexi, come on my Baby" she called softly. My granddaughter and I, afraid of spooking him, remained inside the car and through the windshield as the events unfolded.
Without hesitation, Lexi walked to within five feet of Gayle, then stopped and stared. Mommy called his name softly ans he closed the remaining distance, stood by her side, and pressed up against her leg.
For the next 30 minutes Lexi and Gayle shared the most touching of reunions. She immediately hugged him and began grooming his face and back. Lexi was loving it and remained by her side even while Mommy pulled scores of ticks from his back, head, and ears.
My granddaughter, 7 years old, and now in tears says, "PAPA, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Grammy must be so happy".
Lexi had reached up and kissed his Mom, which she had waited for so desperately for five months. We can only hope for another Lexi filled summer and can continue to watch Lexi grow into the large, graceful, and powerful buck he is becoming.
Welcome home our Little Baby!